Monday, April 13, 2009

An inconvenient Truth review

Claudia,, In a positive review about Al Gore’s documentary. Talking about his commitment to reversing global warming and that his point is a simple one, that the people of earth have a moral imperative, to do something about global warming. She says that he has a gift for making scientific data digestible, understandable and intriguing. With his down to earth communication he makes it feel that this serious problem and makes it feels personal.

David,, in a negative review David claim that Al Gore becomes a pedantic, and then, inevitably, condescending and humorless as he can’t get others to accept the major truth that he has about global warming. And for long stretches he talks about snows of yesteryear and that global warming is propaganda.

In my opinion I agree with Claudia’s review more since I felt that she was more on the point than the negative review. And how he is communicating with the audience to make them understand what he is aiming for, she also talks about the movie more that his personal life.

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