Wednesday, April 29, 2009

How Europe can save the world


The twenty seven nations of the European Union have committed themselves to diminish carbon dioxide emissions by twenty percent by 2020 from their 1990 level. Through renewable energy, the EU plans to achieve it, such as water, air, tidal power and biofuels; however France is very dependent on nuclear power which, with some flexibility, is now classified as clean. After 2010 every new power station in Europe has carbon capture and storage technology, virtually eliminating carbon emissions. Farmers are to grow plants for biofuel which could constitute 10 percent of all petrol by 2020. Carbon emissions limits are to be set and laws will be enforced, and fossil fuels’ use will be economized.

Main Idea

The idea about this article is that the European nations are taking the initiative about global warming and reducing the carbon emissions. And by the use of technology to they plan to achieve their goal. Europe is trying to send a message to the world follow in their footsteps in improving the quality of life of this earth.


In my opinion, Europe is taking a step in the right direction about global warming and saving the earth. And other countries around the world should do the same thing. I also found this article very beneficial knowing that they are focusing on renewable and clean energy.

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