Monday, June 1, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Climate Change review
Climate change is becoming an even more pressing issue than before in everybody’s life. Global warming has reached dangerous levels and continuing at these rates will only devastate future generations with pollution. Some of the climate related problems are global warming, ozone depletion and El Nino.
Ozone depletion contributes to the greenhouse effect which helps more of the sun radiation to filter through the atmosphere.
Another climate change factor that killed millions in the 1970s and 1980s with drought in Ethiopia was global dimming. Where air pollutants from fossil fuels caused clouds to form which reflected sunrays back into space, where less heat and energy reaches the earth. With global warming on the increase and species and their habitats on the decrease, chances for ecosystems to adapt naturally are diminishing. For many years, large, influential businesses and governments have been against the idea of global warming. Many have poured a lot of resources into discrediting what has generally been accepted for a long time as real."In a grim and powerful assessment of the future of the planet, the leading international network of climate scientists has concluded for the first time that global warming is “unequivocal” and that human activity is the main driver",Elisabeth Rosenthal.
To start solving this issue, it is important for governments to realise the urgency of this situation."Global warming is a serious condition that affects our planet. It is important to be aware of the human causes of global warming in order to prevent additional global warming from occurring",Ajith Guptha. Governments should have a responsibility to educate both the public and industry about these hazards; laws banning the production of CFC gases would help to slow down the rate of ozone depletion and global warming. You can help by reducing your energy consumption (turn off lights, walk instead of drive) therefore reducing the amount of fossil fuels (which release CO2) that are burnt for you. Eliminating the burning of coal, oil and eventually natural gas. Infrastructure Upgrade: buildings worldwide contribute around one third of all greenhouse gas emissions, even though investing in thicker insulation and other cost-effective, temperature-regulating steps can save money in the long run. The easiest way to cut back on greenhouse gas emissions is simply to buy less stuff.
But none of these solutions will work efficiently if there is no worldwide agreement and commitment to solve this problem.
Elisabeth Rosenthal, New York Times,Science Panel Calls Global Warming ‘Unequivocal’
Ajith Guptha,
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Cool cities
The SPCJ is developing a cool city in the Gulf region. A cool city is an environmentally friendly city that has minimum CO2 emissions. The cool city uses three types of transportation which consist of light rail transit, hybrid cars and water transport. The city consists of three zones: business, commercial and residences. The techniques that the city uses to reduce heat are green belt, water canals and wind power. The two types of buildings used are the eco towers and eco residential and the expected reduction of CO2 emissions are 50% and 30% respectively. Concluding the expected overall percentage reduction of CO2 emissions is to be 60%.
My opinion is that cool cities are a great idea that has to be implemented immediately. The UAE is already starting with an eco friendly city called Masdar and this is a great step in the right direction.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
My Carbon Footprint
I measured my carbon footprint at & it was 2.90 planets which is 12.37 tonnes per annum.
Most of my CRE Classmates also had similar figures and our class average was approximately 3.87. The main factors that contributed to my carbon footprint are:
· Stuff 32%
· Home 29%
· Food 22%
A carbon footprint as defined is “the total set of GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions caused directly and indirectly by an individual, organization, event or product. My guess is that most people’s highest carbon emissions are from stuff like me.
The reason stuff is usually the highest is because it is the little things that people take for granted and don’t think that they contribute much, but they all add up which makes the highest percentage. Reducing these emissions can be reduced simply by remembering to switch off the lights when vacating a room.
Our country is the first ranked in the world as most pollutant country in the world, and we needed to do something about this statistic to at least show the rest of the world that we are aware of the current global warming crisis and trying to contribute in solving it. And I am sure every citizen of the UAE the help solve this problem if enough awareness is raised.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
How Europe can save the world
The twenty seven nations of the European Union have committed themselves to diminish carbon dioxide emissions by twenty percent by 2020 from their 1990 level. Through renewable energy, the EU plans to achieve it, such as water, air, tidal power and biofuels; however France is very dependent on nuclear power which, with some flexibility, is now classified as clean. After 2010 every new power station in Europe has carbon capture and storage technology, virtually eliminating carbon emissions. Farmers are to grow plants for biofuel which could constitute 10 percent of all petrol by 2020. Carbon emissions limits are to be set and laws will be enforced, and fossil fuels’ use will be economized.
Main Idea
The idea about this article is that the European nations are taking the initiative about global warming and reducing the carbon emissions. And by the use of technology to they plan to achieve their goal. Europe is trying to send a message to the world follow in their footsteps in improving the quality of life of this earth.
In my opinion, Europe is taking a step in the right direction about global warming and saving the earth. And other countries around the world should do the same thing. I also found this article very beneficial knowing that they are focusing on renewable and clean energy.
Monday, April 13, 2009
An inconvenient Truth review, In a positive review about Al Gore’s documentary. Talking about his commitment to reversing global warming and that his point is a simple one, that the people of earth have a moral imperative, to do something about global warming. She says that he has a gift for making scientific data digestible, understandable and intriguing. With his down to earth communication he makes it feel that this serious problem and makes it feels personal.
David,, in a negative review David claim that Al Gore becomes a pedantic, and then, inevitably, condescending and humorless as he can’t get others to accept the major truth that he has about global warming. And for long stretches he talks about snows of yesteryear and that global warming is propaganda.
In my opinion I agree with Claudia’s review more since I felt that she was more on the point than the negative review. And how he is communicating with the audience to make them understand what he is aiming for, she also talks about the movie more that his personal life.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Global Warming:

Mainstream science holds that the burning of fossil fuels is causing the earth to warm rapidly. A scientist published that idea in 1988, and through accelerated study it became a consensus by 1996. Only a few scientists still hold that current global warming is due to natural causes, but their voices have been amplified by an oil industry propaganda campaign and ExxonMobil-funded policy groups through the big media outlets. The earth is naturally warmed by the greenhouse effect.